March 24, 2017 Contact: Allison Scott Majure, Communications Director New Mexico Environment Department 505.231.8800 | [email protected] Gold King Mine Spill Citizens’ Advisory Committee Meeting on Monday Committee Business, Farmers’ Market Dialogue & Annual Follow-up Items Santa Fe – New Mexico’s Gold King Mine Spill Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC), based out of San Juan County, New Mexico, meets Monday, March 27, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in the San Juan College Student Center-SUNS Room (accessible through the Henderson Fine Arts Center). The Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) is a group of 10 citizen volunteers from Northern New Mexico, including the Navajo Nation, who provide a forum for public concerns while tracking the scientific long-term monitoring of the Gold King Mine spill’s effects in the state. At Monday’s meeting the group will review the 2016 year’s activities, discuss before- and after-spill effects with a Farmers’ Market representative, and conduct Committee business. The CAC works with New Mexico’s Long-Term Impact Review Team, established by Governor Susana Martinez, to both monitor and discuss with the public the continuing effects of the August 2015 mine blowout, that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency admitted to causing which released over three million gallons of mining wastewater laden with more than a million pounds of metals into the Animas and San Juan River systems. For more information please visit the New Mexico Environment Department’s Gold King Mine website ( ) or email us at [email protected]. # # #
1 Comment
We only got about an inch of snow over Santa Fe - just enough to make everything pretty and the ground is warm enough that the driveway and road are clear. A friend up in Taos has a foot of snow already and it's still storming!
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